2012年6月18日 星期一

ESXi Server設定Mirror Port

因Ntop是架設在Esxi Server上所以除了Switch上設定完後也要在ESXi上設定
ESXi為5.0版本,使用vSphere Client 5.0來改


Span Port Virtual Switch Configuration
  • From the vSphere client stand on one of the ESX servers
  • Go to Configuration > Networking > Add Networking  > Virtual Machine
  • Choose the physical NIC which is dedicated to the Ntop and is connected to the Hub
  • We have renamed the name of the virtual port group into: VoipCapture
  • Go to the Virtual Switch Properties
  • Go to vSwitch > Edit
  • Move to Security tab and change the Promiscuous Mode into : Accept
  • Go back to vSwitch > Edit ,stand on the VoipCapture virtual port Group > Edit
  • Move to Security tab and mark Promiscuous Mode : Accept
  • Move to Traffic Shaping tab and mark Status : Disabled
  • Move to NIC Teaming tab and mark Network Failover Detection: Link Status Only
不過前提下一定要再多安裝一片1Gbps的網卡連接Span Port的Switch上~

小弟規劃使用CentOS 6.2平台來安裝NTOP



SEIKO 5T82-0AF0手錶鏡片更換

 手錶不知為何鏡面破了,可能掉到地上 缺了一個角.....看來只能換一塊鏡片 於是打電話找原廠詢問維修,但是原廠竟然回說日本已經沒有料件可以更換了 還好天無絕人之路,萬能的淘寶竟然連鏡片都有 而且還有藍寶石材質的玻璃鏡片 於是比對尺寸就下單等飄洋過海啦! 太專心拆,忘了拍詳細拆解...